Two years ago, farmers in Risaralda drew an average of 25 loads of panela per hectare of cane. Today they produce 100 loads, that is, four times more than in 1989. The reasons for this increase in production yields have their origin in the establishment of community burners, which are characterized by:
Business attitude of farmers, research of new varieties, lower production costs and modernization of the paneling establishment.
Best of all, the increase in productivity was achieved without cane growers having to make large investments to assemble sugar mills and burners on their respective farms.
After a study carried out by the Risaraldense committee of the National Federation of Panela Producers (Fedepanela), the guild designed a program for the construction of community burners, which are rented to the peasants to grind the cane produced on their farms and elaborate the panela
This system works through shifts, according to the availability of cane that each farmer has.
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